Business Data
Company Logo | |
Company Name | Terrowode |
Main Country | Uganda |
Stage of business | Growth |
Year of foundation | |
Profit/No profit | No profit |
Value proposition | TERREWODE is dedicated to the prevention, repair, and rehabilitation of women with fistula through the construction of a specialized women’s hospital |
Business description |
This is a community-focused and driven project providing highly specialized maternal health services. It will serve women and girls suffering obstetric fistula and other childbirth complications, including, expectant mothers and their babies; and those who need social reintegration services including physiotherapy after surgery. The project will also educate pregnant women and their partners on maternal health and obstetric fistula risks through its prevention mechanisms, while enhancing the capacity of medical personnel about obstetric fistula risks and best practice preventions. The hospital will conduct quality ceasearian, normal, elective and emergency delivery services for expectant mothers.
Website | |
Headquarters address | Plot 25 Central Avenue ,Soroti Municipality, Soroti District |
Industry | Health |
MARKET NEEDS | Machineries/Technologies |
Personal Data
Name | Alice Emasu |
MBA Country | Kenya |
Business Needs
Equity | Yes |
Amount of Equity ($) | 50.001 – 100.000 |
Debt | Yes |
Amount of Debt ($) | 50.001 – 100.000 |