Business Data
Company Logo | |
Company Name | CTPH |
Main Country | Uganda |
Stage of business | Established |
Year of foundation | |
Profit/No profit | No profit |
Value proposition | CTPH aims to be an internationally-renowned leader in gorilla and wildlife conservation by improving the health of humans, wildlife and ecosystems that in and around Africa’s practice area. This is achieved through a multidisciplinary approach that focuses on improving the health of wildlife, livestock and local communities to support wildlife conservation through preventing and controlling disease transmission between closely genetically related species such as people and gorillas, and cattle and buffalo. |
Business description | To promote biodiversity conservation by enabling people, wildlife and livestock to coexist through improving their health and livelihoods in and around Africa’s protected areas |
Main products | Conservation an tourism |
Website | |
Headquarters address | Plot 3 Mapeera Lane,Entebbe |
Company Mail | |
Company Tel number | +(256) 772 330 139 |
Industry | Tourism & Hospitality |
Personal Data
Name | Gladys Rhoda Kalema-Zikusoka |
MBA Country | Kenya |
MBA Edition | |
Role in the Company | Entrepreneur/Founder/CEO |
Linkedin profile |