Business Data
Company Name | Barakabora Products |
Main Country | Kenya |
Stage of business | Growth |
Year of foundation | |
Profit/No profit | Profit |
Value proposition | We locally manufacture quality and affordable car care products. |
Business description | Barakabora Products was founded in 2014 and manufactures quality and affordable car care products. A large percentage of the imported competitor products are either made in China or USA. The fact that we make them locally in Kenya has allowed us to offer them at very affordable prices. Our products are preferred by customers because of their great quality and affordable price. We deliver all products to our clients within a few hours to a maximum of 1 day from when they make the order. |
Main products | Tireshine, dashboard polish, leather polish, degreaser light (for cleaning engine and interior upholstery, including leather seats), mineral stain remover (for windows and chrome rims), Ecowash bottle (wash your car with about 2 litres of water) |
Website | |
Headquarters address | Nairobi, Kenya |
Company Tel number | +254727564816 |
Industry | Manufacturing & Consumer Goods |
Number of direct employees | 1 |
Number of casual workers | 2 |
Number of jobs created in the supply chain | 20 |
MARKET NEEDS | Distribution |
Personal Data
Name | Justin Kasia |
MBA Country | Kenya |
MBA Edition | |
Role in the Company | Entrepreneur/Founder/CEO |
Linkedin profile |
Business Needs
Equity | No |
Debt | No |