Business Data
Company Logo | |
Company Name | Stamp Investment Holdings Ltd |
Main Country | Kenya |
Stage of business | Start-up |
Year of foundation | |
Profit/No profit | Profit |
Value proposition | Jiko Kenya (firewood stove) and Jiko Africa (charcoal and briquettes) – a fuel-efficient biomass stove, featuring an innovative in-built jacket that can be filled with 3 liters of water that enables the user to simultaneously boil, water thus sanitizing it whilst cooking, enabling households to have safe drinking water, free of disease-causing micro-organisms. This feature both helps to insulate the stove and makes it more efficient. The stove through pilot studies was able to save a household USD 17.85 monthly, with fuel reduction from USD 23.81 to only USD 5.96 monthly, which translates to 75% reduction in fuel costs and zero cost in water sanitization which has contributed to reduction of water- borne diseases. The business will also sell briquettes starting with non-carbonized briquettes to Institutions in Kenya. The briquettes will be bought from identified producers and repackaged for resale. |
Business description | STAMP innovates and distributes clean cook stoves in Kenya to alleviate the burden on Natural resources, promote use of clean cook stoves to reduce in-house pollution, selling of briquettes, promote economic development, empowerment of women and youth, reduce time spent sourcing for wood fuel, and increase access to clean water. |
Main products | Jiko Kenya ( Firewood) |
Website | |
Headquarters address | Kiambu / Githunguri |
Company Mail | |
Company Tel number | +254 725308302 |
PIN NO | P051580286K |
Industry | Energy |
Number of direct employees | 2 |
Number of casual workers | 2 |
Number of jobs created in the supply chain | 5 |
MARKET NEEDS | Machineries/Technologies, Customers, Channels, Distribution |
Company Pitch |
Personal Data
Name | Keneth Ndua Mitambo |
MBA Country | Kenya |
MBA Edition | |
Role in the Company | Entrepreneur/Founder/CEO |
Linkedin profile | |
Business Needs
Equity | Yes |
Amount of Equity ($) | 50.001 – 100.000 |
Debt | Yes |
Amount of Debt ($) | 10.000-50.000 |