Business Data
Company Name | Acquatic Industries |
Main Country | Ghana |
Stage of business | Start-up |
Year of foundation | |
Profit/No profit | Profit |
Value proposition |
Acquatic World Industries seeks to incubate the youth and women to attain income-generating skills in cultured fish farming.
Business description | 1. Production of Fingerlings for Tilapia 2. Rearing of cage cultured tilapia 3. Retailing of Fresh and processed Tilapia and catfish 4. Incubating the youth into Aqua-preneurs 5. Fish Processing |
Main products | 1. Fresh Tilapia 2. Fresh Catfish 3. Processed Tilapia and Catfish |
Website | |
Headquarters address | Akuse, Eastern Region |
Company Mail | |
Company Tel number | 233 20 818 3732 |
Industry | Agri-food |
Number of direct employees | 6 |
Number of casual workers | 20 |
Personal Data
Name | Mabel Quarshie |
MBA Country | Ghana |
MBA Edition | |
Role in the Company | Entrepreneur/Founder/CEO |
Linkedin profile |