Business Data
Company Logo | |
Company Name | LeadAfrique International |
Main Country | Ghana |
Other countries where the business is active | Kenya |
Stage of business | Start-up |
Year of foundation | |
Profit/No profit | No profit |
Value proposition | To cultivate creative and responsive leaders for Africa through structured Leadership Farms in schools. |
Business description | The full potential of most children within our state schools remains untapped, often not recognized and regarded due to poor and rigid educational structure which destroys creativity and innovation. Teaching and Learning approach has remained the same. Students are mostly taught how to read and write. There’s very little emphasis on shaping their mindset, critical thinking and creative abilities. |
Main products | Leadership Farm in-school programme. Teachers Transformation Programme. Leadership For Education Authorities Programme (LEAP) National School Leavers Fair (NaSKULeF) |
Website | |
Headquarters address | #432 Lame Dwaahe Street, SHC Estates, Adenta Housing Down. Accra. Ghana |
Company Mail | |
Company Tel number | +233 244 368092 |
Industry | Education |
Number of direct employees | 7 |
Number of casual workers | 1 |
Number of jobs created in the supply chain | 10 |
MARKET NEEDS | Distribution |
Company Pitch |
Personal Data
Name | Michael Ohene Effah |
MBA Country | Ghana |
MBA Edition | |
Role in the Company | Entrepreneur/Founder/CEO |
Linkedin profile |
Business Needs
Equity | Yes |
Amount of Equity ($) | 50.001 – 100.000 |