Business Data
Company Logo | |
Company Name | Strauss Energy |
Main Country | Kenya |
Stage of business | Start-up |
Year of foundation | |
Profit/No profit | Profit |
Value proposition | To integrate energy generating technology into the basic building materials |
Business description | We provide a solution to the energy problem currently being experienced by businesses and households by providing renewable and cost-effective energy through BIPV technology, a revolutionary solar-powered roofing tile designed and made in Kenya. |
Website | |
Headquarters address | Climate Innovation Centre CIC, 3rd Floor, Strathmore Business School (SBS), Ole Sangale Close, Madaraka |
Company Mail | |
Company Tel number | +254 020 440 9938 | +254 733 448438 |
Industry | Renewable energy |
Company Pitch |
Personal Data
Name | Tony M. Nyagah |
MBA Country | Kenya |
MBA Edition | |
Role in the Company | Entrepreneur/Founder/CEO |
Linkedin profile |